Discover our sustainable,truly sustainable development report.
Faced with social, environmental and economic challenges, we must rethink our ways of understanding the world, of thinking and acting.
KEDGE Business School places the ecological and social transition at the heart of its mission as a higher education institution. This sustainable development report gives an account of the achievements and progress of all the school's stakeholders and their positive contributions.
Together, let's build a desirable future.

KEDGE IMPAKT, fulfils our promise to be an
original sustainable inclusive school
Our strategy
Cooperating to deploy the KEDGE IMPAKT strategy together
With 15,000 students, four campuses in France, two in Africa and two in China, KEDGE has a responsibility towards future generations. As a business school resolutely turned towards the future, KEDGE is determined to train and equip the changemakers who will contribute to the construction of a desirable future, by inventing the sustainable and inclusive models of tomorrow.
A forerunner in the field of social and environmental responsibility, the school signed up to the 10 principles of the Global Compact in 2005. In 2007, a CSR department was created and since 2015, our approach has been in line with the United Nations' international agenda: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The school has also been awarded the "Label DD&RS" from the Conference des Grandes Ecoles since 2019.
Our promise to be an original, sustainable and inclusive school is embodied in our KEDGE IMPAKT strategy. Led by the Transition and Impact Department, which reports to the General Manager, the KEDGE IMPAKT strategy is built and deployed in consultation with all the school's stakeholders. To do this, KEDGE relies on :
- The IMPAKT Committee, which brings together, every quarter, the school's Management Committee, the Director of Transition & Impact and the Associate Dean for Inclusivity and Sustainability.
- The IMPAKT referents' network which mobilises representatives from each department for deployment in the school's services.
- The Kedge Alumni for Impakt network, launched in 2022, is designed to bring together graduates who contribute or wish to contribute to the ecological and social transformation of organisations. It follows two objectives: to gather and to inspire.
The school also supports the projects of its students and all of its employees via the IMPAKT fund, a mechanism for financing impact projects carried out by employees and/or students.
KEDGE IMPAKT has three pillars and nine concrete commitments. Each year, we monitor our progress, communicating our advances in a spirit of transparency and continuous improvement.
The KEDGE IMPAKT strategy aims to train responsible managers and to accelerate the ecological and social transition. It is based on three pillars which permeate all of our activities and our students' education pathway.
KEDGE IMPAKTTogether, let's build a desirable future.